Root Canal Therapy - Woburn, MA

Root Canal Woburn, MAEndodontic therapy — more often referred to as root canal treatment — is one of the last steps in tooth preservation. When your tooth might otherwise be facing an extraction, performing a root canal is typically the best choice.

Rumors aside, getting a root canal doesn’t actually have to be an uncomfortable process. Thanks to advanced techniques and computerized anesthesia delivery, we can treat your tooth without it feeling much different than any other routine procedure. Our experienced dental team gets patients out of pain with root canal treatments in Woburn.

What's Involved In Root Canal Treatment?

During a root canal, our dental team will create a small opening in your tooth to access the dying or infected nerve inside of it. The nerve tissues are removed, and the empty chamber is cleaned out, medicated, then sealed off.

Since endodontically treated teeth are no longer alive, they tend to be more prone to wear. Placing a protective crown over your tooth will help to extend its integrity for years to come.

Do I Need A Root Canal?

Our Woburn root canal treatment is recommended when decay or trauma have reached the nerve tissues inside of a tooth. Placing a filling or crown over it would simply trap infection or dying tissues inside, posing a greater risk to your smile.

Our dental team may recommend a root canal if you have experienced or are currently experiencing:

  • A traumatic injury to the tooth
  • Aggressive tooth decay
  • Visible signs of nerve death (such as a darkening tooth)
  • An abscess draining from the tip of the root
  • Hypersensitivity or chronic toothaches
  • Suspected deep crack

During your exam, we’ll take an X-ray of your tooth to evaluate the full length of the root. Any abscesses will usually be visible. Additionally, we’ll check to see how deep current cavities are in relation to the nerve chamber at the center of your tooth. Our team can also use a special tool when you’re biting to evaluate whether the tooth may be cracked.

Alternatives To Root Canal Treatment

Unfortunately, the only alternative to getting a root canal is having the tooth extracted. Leaving the infection untreated can lead to additional concerns in neighboring healthy teeth. In rare situations it can also result in a hospital stay. Although antibiotic therapy can provide minimal relief prior to the root canal being performed, an untreated abscess will result in recurring infection and possible antibiotic drug resistance.

If you do choose to remove your tooth, you’ll also have to consider replacing it with an implant or dental bridge to preserve spacing throughout your overall smile.

As long as your tooth can be saved, a root canal is nearly always the best option.

Schedule A Woburn Root Canal Consultation

At Radiant Dentistry of Woburn, we have a dental team trained in endodontics to perform your Woburn root canal therapy while adhering to the highest quality dental standards. If you have any questions about root canal treatment, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Your satisfaction is our number one priority, and we are happy to answer any of your questions over the phone or in person.

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